Priapus gay sex manga

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To think, if you loved my characters, even just a little bit, that'd be so nice.īruno Gmünder has been kind enough to share some preview artwork with us. Having to cover up those genitals that I'd worked so hard to draw always made me sad, but knowing everything I drew will now be on full display makes me so very happy. Sometimes this is just a small revision, and other times they cover up the whole thing. I'd heard that books published abroad often don't require censoring the genitals. I'm Itto, though abroad I'm probably better known as Mentaiko. Please flip the book over and start from the beginning!'Īnother thing I love is getting to hear from Itto himself in the afterword: As soon as you crack the cover, there is a big note saying, 'This book was published in the original Japanese right-to-left format.

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One thing I really love about this anthology is the fun surprise waiting on page one. Gay manga fans rejoice! For the first time ever, Mentaiko Itto's Priapus is getting an English language, completely uncensored release thanks to publisher Bruno Gmünder! This 160 page anthology includes Priapus I, II, & III, plus the additional stories Gachinko Battle, 1000 Meters Deep, and 1/4.

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